Cancer Care at the University of Surrey

The Cancer Care Group in the School of Health Sciences at the University of Surrey is Led by Dr Katriina Whitaker and comprises ~25 staff and PhD students from nursing, psychology, data science, health services research and medical anthropology backgrounds. Our quest is the business of improving cancer caremission is to improve cancer care for all. We do this by working with experts from diverse disciplines - technology, science, engineering, psychology - alongside NHS professionals, patients from the very young to the very old, and their families. Our work helps optimise cancer outcomes and impacts positively on experiences of care.

Research areas

  • Early diagnosis
  • Cancer as a chronic condition: Influence of cancer treatment on people, carers, parents, siblings and other family members, including dependent children. Specific interests include: children and young people, symptom assessment and management; psychological support needs; multi-morbidity; living with and beyond cancer and use of routinely collected NHS data
  • Digital health, supportive technologies and training to support self-management.
  • Health Inequalities

Research methodologies

  • Participant co-design
  • Mixed methods (quantitative and qualitative)
  • Questionnaire design
  • Predictive risk modelling
  • Development and evaluation of complex interventions
  • Secondary analysis and linkage of routine healthcare data

Please follow us on twitter for updates on our activities/ publications: @CancerAtSurrey. Please contact Dr Katriina Whitaker (Cancer Lead at Surrey) for further information:

Surrey Cancer Research Institute Cancer Care Members

RSCH Supportive and Palliative Care Team

Dr Andrew Davies MBBS, MSC, MD, FRCP
Clinical Director of Supportive & Palliative Care Royal Surrey County Hospital
01483 571122 ext 6758

Dr Kath Webber MBBS, MRCP, PhD
Consultant in Palliative Medicine Royal Surrey County Hospital
01483 571122 ext 6758

Dr Shuchita Patel BMedSci BMBS MSc MRCP(UK)
Clinical Research Fellow
01483 571122 ext 4188

The Multinational Society of Supportive Care in Cancer (MASCC) has defined Supportive Care as "the prevention and management of the adverse effects of cancer and its treatment. This includes management of physical and psychological symptoms and side effects across the continuum of the cancer experience from diagnosis through anticancer treatment to post-treatment care. Enhancing rehabilitation, secondary cancer prevention, survivorship and end of life care are integral to Supportive Care".

The Department of Supportive & Palliative Care provides a comprehensive service for patients receiving treatment for cancer and other serious illnesses at the Royal Surrey County Hospital (incorporating St. Luke's Cancer Centre).

The Supportive and Palliative Care Team (SPCT) consists of two consultants in Palliative Medicine, one StR in Palliative Medicine, 6 Clinical Nurse Specialists in Palliative Care, one Clinical Research Fellow, and associated administrative staff. The Clinical Director of the SPCT is Dr Andrew Davies (Consultant in Palliative Medicine; Visiting Reader at the University of Surrey).

Current research projects include:

  • A cluster randomised trial of alternative forms of hydration in cancer patients in the last days of life
    Sponsor: University of Surrey || Funder: Research for Patient Benefit Programme (NIHR): £227,583
  • The prognosis in Palliative care Study II (PiPS2) Sponsor: University College London || Funder: NIHR Health Technology Programme
  • An observational study investigating the prevalence and impact of alcohol-related problems in cancer patients and their non-professional caregivers Sponsor: Royal Surrey County Hospital || Funder: Alcohol Research UK
  • An observational study of diagnostic criteria, clinical features and management of opioid - induced constipation (OIC) in patients with cancer pain
    Sponsor: Royal Surrey County Hospital) || Funder: Alcohol Research UK

PhD Students

  • Dr Shuchita Patel
    A feasibility study of the use of actigraphy to determine prognosis in patients with advanced cancer. Dr A Davies, Prof Derk-Jan Dijk

Find out more at:

Recent Publications

Bedard G, Davies A, McDonald R, Hawley P, Buchanan A, Popovic M, Wong E, Chow E

Breakthrough cancer pain: a comparison of surveys with European and Canadian patients. Supportive Care in Cancer 2015; 23: 791-6.

Kleeberg UR, Davies A, Jarosz J, Mercadante S, Poulain P, O’Brien T, Schneid H, Kress HG.

Pan-European, open-label dose titration study of fentanyl buccal tablet in patients with breakthrough cancer pain. European Journal of Pain 2015; 19: 528-37.

Davies A, Kleeberg UR, Jarosz J, Mercadante S, Poulain P, O’Brien T, Schneid H, Kress H-G.

Improved patient functioning after treatment of breakthrough cancer pain: an open-label study of fentanyl buccal tablet in patients with cancer pain. Supportive Care in Cancer 2015; 23: 2135-43.

Kurita GP, Lundstrom S, Sjogren P, Ekholm O, Christrup L, Davies A, Kaasa S, Klepstad P, Dale O.

Renal function and symptoms / adverse effects in opioid treated patients with cancer. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica 2015; 59: 1049-59.

Davies AN, Thompson J.

Parasympathomimetic drugs for the treatment of salivary gland dysfunction due to radiotherapy. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2015, Issue 10. Art. No.: CD003782.

Davies A, Waghorn M, Boyle J, Gallagher A, Johnsen S.

Alternative forms of hydration in cancer patients in the last days of life: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials 2015; 16: 464.

Webber K, Davies AN, Cowie MR.

Accuracy of a diagnostic algorithm to diagnose breakthrough cancer pain as compared with clinical assessment. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 2015; 50: 495-500.

Davies A, Mundin G, Vriens J, Webber K, Buchanan A, Waghorn M.

The influence of low salivary flow rates on the absorption of a sublingual fentanyl citrate formulation for breakthrough cancer pain. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 2016; 51: 538-45.

Webber K, Davies AN, Cowie MR.

 Disparities between clinican and patient perception of breakthrough pain control.  Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 2016; 51: 933-7.

Davies A, Todd J, Bailey F, Gregory A, Waghorn M.

Good concordance between patients and their non-professional carers about factors associated with a "good death" and other important end-of-life decisions.  BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care (in press).

Cancer Care Research Group

Key Contact: Dr Katriina Whitaker
Senior Lecturer and Lead in Cancer Care
01483 68 4622

Professor Emma Ream
Director of Health Sciences Research, Professor of Supportive Cancer Care
01483 68 6708

Professor Sara Faithfull
Director of Health Science Innovation and Enterprise, Professor of Cancer Nursing Practice
01483 68 2568

Our quest is the business of improving cancer care. We do this by working with experts from diverse disciplines - technology, science, engineering, psychology - alongside NHS professionals, patients from the very young to the very old and their families.  When we work together, we create innovative ways of getting diagnosed quicker and living well, with and beyond cancer.  Our work helps optimise cancer outcomes and impacts positively on experiences of care.

Research interests

Cancer care is changing, as the challenge of increasing disease incidence and prevalence impacts on health services. This increase is partly as a result of the ageing population, but is also good news in that better detection and treatment has led to more survivors.

Evidence shows that people with cancer have unmet needs, particularly at the point of diagnosis, end of treatment and longer term. Whilst some people feel well, others are struggling with the consequences of cancer treatment, creating a burden of illness that impacts on quality of life, patient outcomes and family life. Early diagnosis is considered a cornerstone to improving cancer survival- and is importantly related to improved patient experience and quality of life.

Changing the way we diagnose and support people with cancer – and families managing cancer – is a priority to meet increasing demands and care needs.

The School of Health Sciences has a large group of health science researchers working across the age span and disease course - from diagnosis to survivorship and palliative care - in the field of cancer.

Research areas

  • Early diagnosis
  • Cancer as chronic condition: Influence of cancer treatment on people, carers, parents, siblings and other family members.  Specific interests include: symptom assessment and management; psychological support needs; multi-morbidity; survivorship and end of life care
  • Ehealth/Connected Health, supportive technologies and training to support self-management.

Research methodologies

  • Participant co-design
  • Mixed methods
  • Development and evaluation of complex interventions
  • Film technologies.

Research partnerships

  • NHS partners (including NHS Lanarkshire, NHS Clatterbridge, Frimley Park, Surrey Sussex NHS, Royal Marsden, Royal Surrey, St Georges, Guys and St Thomas’s, Newcastle Royal Infirmary)
  • Charities (Macmillan Cancer Support, Dimbleby Cancer Care, Prostate Cancer UK, Movember, Cancer Research UK)
  • The Institute of Cancer Research (Medical Research Council)
  • Kent, Surrey, Sussex Clinical Research Network
  • National Institute of Health Research Clinical Study Groups (Primary Care, Early diagnosis, Teenagers and Young Adults, Brain Tumour)
  • Public and Patient Involvement (e.g. European Cancer Patient Coalition as an eSMART partner, and Independent Cancer Patients’ Voice)

Recent publications

Arber, A., Odelius, A., Williams, P., Lemanska, A., Faithfull, S.(2017). Do patients on oral chemotherapy have sufficient knowledge for optimal adherence? A mixed methods study. European Journal of Cancer Care, 26 (2)doi: 10.1111/ecc.12413.

Faithfull S, Samuel C, Lemanska A, Warnock C, Greenfield D. (2015) 'Self-reported competence in long term care provision for adult cancer survivors: A cross sectional survey of nursing and allied health care professionals'. International Journal of Nursing Studies 53, pp. 85-94.

Gibson F, Pearce S, Fern L, Martins A, Kelly D. (2017) 'Improving identification of cancer in young people: a scoping review'. Expert Review of Quality of Life in Cancer Care, 2 (2), pp. 87-101.

Marcu, A., Black, G., Vedsted, P., Lyratzopoulos, G., Whitaker, K.L. (2017). Educational differences in responses to breast cancer symptoms: A qualitative comparative study. British Journal of Health Psychology, 22, 26-41, doi: 10.1111/bjhp.12215

Tsianakas V, Harris J, Ream E, Van Hemelrijck M, Purushotham A, Mucci L, Green JSA, Fewster J, Armes J (2017). CanWalk: a feasibility study with embedded randomised controlled trial pilot of a walking intervention for people with recurrent or metastatic cancer. BMJ Open 2017;7:e013719. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-013719

Tsianakas V, Robert G, Richardson A, Verity R, Oakley C, Murrells T, Flynn M, Ream E. (2015) 'Enhancing the experience of carers in the chemotherapy outpatient setting: an exploratory randomised controlled trial to test impact, acceptability and feasibility of a complex intervention co-designed by carers and staff'. Supportive Care in Cancer, 23 (10), pp. 3069-3080.

Whitaker KL, Smith CF, Winstanley K, Wardle J. (2016) 'What prompts help-seeking for cancer 'alarm' symptoms? A primary care based survey'. British Journal of Cancer, 114 (3), pp. 334-339.

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